Sunday, 11 March 2012

Minimalist Awakenings

In my last post my goal was to work on lightening up and reading the 'art of being minimalist' by Everett Bogue.  I didnt realise the two were connected until now.

I had so much stuff, I couldn't see it, probably because I had got used to wading through it everyday to find the few things I do use.  The more I unearthed, the more appeared, this made me feel a bit downhearted at first because I had a room full of things to get rid of and still had a mountain to go.  I had to focus on the room full of things and find the positive.  I decided to have a sale of the 'goods' and give the money to a worthwhile cause.  It was a good start.

I was viewing my things in a new light and noticing the old self talk.  Here is an example of my old thoughts and new minimalist thoughts.

Old thoughts:
  1. I used to be that size and I will be that size again and fit into those trousers.
  2. I will need that for reference (cookbooks, self help books, counselling books, stress management books, nutrition books....the list goes on)
  3. I need to keep this because a friend got it for me, if they find out I gave it away they might be upset.
  4. I might need that colour of nail polish, lipstick, eyeshadow..etc
  5. I spent a lot of money on that dress so I am going to keep it.
  6. What if I start a business again, I might need all these chairs and mats.
New thoughts:
  1. Thats ridiculous.  Yes, I probably will fit into the trousers (dress/skirt/jacket), but do I want to, they are ten years old, Im not 30 anymore (and shoulder pads look silly now!)
  2. That is why I have the internet, I can look things up without having all these books.  And having so many books confuses me and I dont read the few books I want to because I have diluted their worth with all the others.
  3. I am never going to use this, its taking up space, I will offer it back to the friend or if that is not appropriate I will give it to charity and someone else can find pleasure in it.
  4. I have needless amounts of beauty products that stress me out when Im looking for the few things I do use, get rid of everything except that which you really love, and only buy quality products you need in the future.
  5. You never wear it, looking at it is a reminder of a frivolous purchase that makes you feel rotten and has no purpose except taking up space in your wardrobe.  Its time for it to go.
  6. If you do start a business again, start afresh with new ideas, do not go over old ground, it doesnt suit your life anymore.

The positives of having a de-cluttering event started to unfold:

  • Once you commit and invite people to an event like this, there is no turning back, unless you have a very good reason.
  • I made more money than I imagined (going to Williams Syndrome Foundation)
  • It was nice to have friends and family come along to the house, support my event, and stay for a cup of tea and a chat.
  • I am starting to see more space and that looks and feels goods.
  • I have found and now remember the things that I get pleasure from (watercolours, drawing books/pencils, clothes that fit well and look good)
  • My head feels clearer
  • I have a greater appreciation for the beautiful and precious things in my home

Lighter of possessions, spirit and space and lighter of body too. 

Im off to get the Run DMC on.......

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Blogs are good for holding yourself accountable!

I read my past blog posts this morning and would have been absolutely cringing if I had not put any of the things I had mentioned into action.  But credit where credit is due, my family and I are doing quite well.  Here is a little run down of achievements, and things needing a little or a lot of work.

  • Mindful Finances - doing well, asking myself the question 'Do I really need this?' before buying, most of the time this works, I would say an 80% improvement.  This has also helped with less clutter, more quality and less quantity.
  • Take pleasure in maintaining your home - hall and living room currently being re-decorated, an absolute achievement.  New shower has been ordered, that makes me very happy.
  • Family time/Go on adventures  - we have booked a holiday and heading off soon to spend a bit of quality time together.
  • Eat Well/Exercise - yes! yes! yes! we have changed the way we eat, we have cut out most fats from our diet and eating much healthier, this has been a massive achievement.  Increased exercise too, building it into the day, dog walking, gym or wii dance, also bought a medicine ball and do toning exercises, its amazing the exercises you can do with 1 medicine ball.
  • Enjoy the moment - started a Random Shots at Life blog, this is 1 picture a day of daily life, this has helped me be more aware of the little parts of the day and be appreciative of them, I would say this has increased my ability to be and stay in the present moment.
  • Try new things - I have signed up for a friend's charity cycle ride around a small Scottish island with ladies I have never met before.  Im really looking forward to that.

Positives needing a little work:

  • Make time for friends -  Last month make time for friends got a bit conflicted with mindful finances, had made a few arrangements and cancelled due to money involved.  On a plus note, I have a few get togethers arranged this month which I have managed to do using vouchers.  Roll on curry night with the girls!  This is a lesson to be creative when arranging time with friends.
  • Document your wisdom and others - not been feeling full of wisdom recently. But on a positive note have found others with incredible wisdom.  Check out:  Disrupting the Rabblement and The Bold Life, just two of the blogs I have discovered recently that connects with me.
  • Make Space - there is less clutter coming into the house but still a lot that can go.  I also need help with making space in my head, im easily distracted and being bombarded with information constantly takes me off on tangents.  Especially when I go online.  Becoming Minimalist has been recommend and I will work on this through March.

Needing a lot of work:

  • Find joy in your work:  this is a proper challenge, and I have been struggling with it for a while.  I am bringing in my personal commandments of 'think for yourself' and 'co-operation, respect and love' to get me through this, but I also think its impacting on my ability to 'lighten up'. 
  • Lighten up:   I have decided to take a piece of advice from Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project and 'act the way I want to feel'.  This is going to take a power of self-awareness, and Im up for the challenge.
In summary.  What I would love for March is to read up on Becoming Minimalist and to lighten up.

I will report back on where that takes me.