Sunday 11 March 2012

Minimalist Awakenings

In my last post my goal was to work on lightening up and reading the 'art of being minimalist' by Everett Bogue.  I didnt realise the two were connected until now.

I had so much stuff, I couldn't see it, probably because I had got used to wading through it everyday to find the few things I do use.  The more I unearthed, the more appeared, this made me feel a bit downhearted at first because I had a room full of things to get rid of and still had a mountain to go.  I had to focus on the room full of things and find the positive.  I decided to have a sale of the 'goods' and give the money to a worthwhile cause.  It was a good start.

I was viewing my things in a new light and noticing the old self talk.  Here is an example of my old thoughts and new minimalist thoughts.

Old thoughts:
  1. I used to be that size and I will be that size again and fit into those trousers.
  2. I will need that for reference (cookbooks, self help books, counselling books, stress management books, nutrition books....the list goes on)
  3. I need to keep this because a friend got it for me, if they find out I gave it away they might be upset.
  4. I might need that colour of nail polish, lipstick, eyeshadow..etc
  5. I spent a lot of money on that dress so I am going to keep it.
  6. What if I start a business again, I might need all these chairs and mats.
New thoughts:
  1. Thats ridiculous.  Yes, I probably will fit into the trousers (dress/skirt/jacket), but do I want to, they are ten years old, Im not 30 anymore (and shoulder pads look silly now!)
  2. That is why I have the internet, I can look things up without having all these books.  And having so many books confuses me and I dont read the few books I want to because I have diluted their worth with all the others.
  3. I am never going to use this, its taking up space, I will offer it back to the friend or if that is not appropriate I will give it to charity and someone else can find pleasure in it.
  4. I have needless amounts of beauty products that stress me out when Im looking for the few things I do use, get rid of everything except that which you really love, and only buy quality products you need in the future.
  5. You never wear it, looking at it is a reminder of a frivolous purchase that makes you feel rotten and has no purpose except taking up space in your wardrobe.  Its time for it to go.
  6. If you do start a business again, start afresh with new ideas, do not go over old ground, it doesnt suit your life anymore.

The positives of having a de-cluttering event started to unfold:

  • Once you commit and invite people to an event like this, there is no turning back, unless you have a very good reason.
  • I made more money than I imagined (going to Williams Syndrome Foundation)
  • It was nice to have friends and family come along to the house, support my event, and stay for a cup of tea and a chat.
  • I am starting to see more space and that looks and feels goods.
  • I have found and now remember the things that I get pleasure from (watercolours, drawing books/pencils, clothes that fit well and look good)
  • My head feels clearer
  • I have a greater appreciation for the beautiful and precious things in my home

Lighter of possessions, spirit and space and lighter of body too. 

Im off to get the Run DMC on.......

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