Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Love List

Woke up this morning with a bit of a lost feeling and realised I have not been putting the work in that I should to be mindful of my goals.

Which made me think about goals being a results driven word and as I want to focus on the changes and not the results I have re-framed the goals list to a love list.

The Love List
(a visual reminder)

make time for friends

have fun

mindful finances

make space

less quantity...more quality
go on adventures
plan family time

find joy in your work

fix the garden.....

......make it beautiful

plant seeds and watch them grow

get outdoors
eat well for a healthy heart
exercise - it feels good!

walk the dog

travel is good for the soul.....
........and so is romance

take pleasure in maintaining your home
enjoy the moment
try new things

relax and let it go
remember how herbal tea makes you feel

document your wisdom (and others)
celebrate achievements

look for the beautiful things in the world
remember that all life is connected, beautiful and in some way meaningful

love conquers all
And looking back on my love list, I can see that I haven't forgotten to do these things afterall, I just forgot I was doing them, and Im not lost, Im full of gratitude...and for that I am thankful.

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